
Through plump porcelain
fingers ringed with gaelic grandmother's silver
and hardy long nails whose DNA are shot through with
cocaine and the dust of cowboys riding off to chase
injuns on TV screens and girls with bigger dreams
like triple D breasts this girl thing looks at me
and says its the touch, its any touch, its like
she's found the Cerberus to cork her nitrogen bottle of lonely
and it's touch and it will keep those shades in sohelphergod

I think desire or quelling it
works as well as dousing blue vibrating electricity
with water then wading in water so blue
as the lakes in north country and screaming
at the flagellation of poison coursing through
the maze of veins when those snakes that can
swim so sperm like up and through waves for days
and bite her right on her heel its like if we love her
we must fling bouquets to the wind and save our baby girl sohelpusgod

Through pulsating cayenne
hair ringed with grandmother's gaelic curls
and fetus sized wrists whose boniness grinds like
powder under an apothecary's beat and the dust that coats
your patriline because great great granddaddy drank mint juleps
with his feet propped on sooty scorched skin and courage
propped on his mother's womb this girl thing looks at me
and says its the touch, its any touch, its like
she's found the mouth that will blow the rank stench of a tomb away sohelphergod

I think this cartilage idiocy
catches as well as a poacher's trap catches
like the hammer of domesticity catches a most lovely
loving woman in the act of lipstick on the collar on the boxers catches
in the pores of grayish bloated mushrooms dank musty rainwater catches
on the snags in girls' cotton rigidity something like
when daddy brushed our hair he never knew how
but we laugh while our scalp sears and its like because he loves us
we must kiss rapiering stubble which grates us raw as pork sohelpusgod

Although viscous turquoise
eyes like yours stroked with the wrinkles of aged papyrus
and a form erect as Priapus whose vellum danced with
coarse musky hair waving like reeds headiness that
punches pow right in the think of all i have left
and demolishes me boy man god thing looks at me
and i don't need the touch, its not the touch, it's like
a harvest abundance when he pushes thermal oxygen out of his mouth pufff
when we are loving and from that I know weather ohthankyoulover.

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